Estudos e Relatórios
Beyond food loss and waste reduction targets -Translating reduction ambitions into policy outcomes | OCDE, 2025
Reducing food loss and waste: Examples of voluntary agreements and other forms of collaborations across Europe | Comissão Europeia, Junho 2024
- Relatório de Avaliação da Implementação da Estratégia Nacional de Combate ao Desperdício Alimentar período 2018/2021 | CNCDA, 2023
Recomendações do Painel de Cidadãos da UE (Painel de cidadãos)
- Tools, best practices,and recommendations to reduce consumer food waste – A compendium | Autores: Candeal, T., Brüggemann, N., Bruns, H., Casonato, C.,Candeal, T., Brüggemann, N., Bruns, H., Casonato, C.,Diercxsens, C., García-Herrero, L., Gil, J.M., Haglund, Y.,Kaptan, G., Kasza, G., Mikkelsen, B.E., Obersteiner, G.,Pires, I.M., Swannell, R., Vainioranta, J., van Herpen, E.,Vittuari, M., Watanabe, K., Sala, S., 2023
- Opportunities to Reduce Food Waste in the 2023 Farm Bill | Autores: Emily M. Broad Leib, Joseph S. Beckmann, Ariel Ardura, Sophie DeBode, Tori Oto, Jack Becker, Nicholas Hanel, and Ata Nalbantoglu of the Harvard Law School Food Law and Policy Clinic (FLPC), along with Yvette Cabrera, Andrea Collins, Darby Hoover, Madeline Keating, and Nina Sevilla of NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council), Samantha Goerger and Dana Gunders of ReFED, and Stephanie Cappa, Alex Nichols-Vinueza, and Pete Pearson of World Wildlife Fund (WWF), abril 2022
- Reduction of Food Loss and Waste | Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2020
- Enabling Sustainable Food Systems | FAO, 2020
Assessment of food waste prevention actions - Development of an evaluation framework to assess the performance of food waste prevention actions │JRC Technical Reports │Autores: Caldeira, C., De Laurentiis, V., Sala, S.│2019
Synthesis report on Food Waste in Dutch Households in 2019 | The Netherlands Nutrition Centre Foundation, outubro 2019
The State of food and agriculture 2019 – Moving forward on food loss and waste reduction | FAO, outubro 2019
Reducing Food Loss and Waste Setting a Global Action Agenda | World Resources Institute, outubro 2019
Reducing Food Loss and Waste: ten interventions to Scale Impact | World Resources Institute, outubro 2019
Redistribution of surplus food: Examples of practices in the Member States | UE Platform on Food Losses and Food Waste, maio 2019
Preventing nutrient loss and waste across the food system | Global Panel, novembro 2018
Market study on date marking and other information provided on food labels and food waste prevention | Comissão Europeia, janeiro 2018
Estimates of European food waste levels | Projeto UE FUSIONS, março 2016
Food waste quantification manual to monitor food waste amounts and progression | Projeto UE FUSIONS, março 2016
FUSIONS Food waste data set for EU-28 - New Estimates and Environmental Impact | Projeto UE FUSIONS, outubro 2015
Projeto de estudo e reflexão sobre desperdício alimentar |PERDA, dezembro 2012
Food losses and waste in primary production - Data collection in the Nordic countries | Nordic Council of Ministers, 2016
Food Waste Along the Food Chain | OCDE, 2014
Global food losses and food waste | FAO, 2011